Nature Pic of the Day - 20081105 - Japanese Maple in Fall Color
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November 5, 2008: Japanese Maple in Fall Color
brilliant orange red Japanese Maple tree
Credit & Copyright: Garry Liddell from Oregon
Japanese Maple in Fall Color: NPOD Viewer Garry Liddell submitted this gorgeous picture of a Japanese Maple glowing brilliantly in the light of the fall sun.

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2016-02-05 18:09:26
Ulla Milkewiz from Sweden about 8years ago said:
Underbara Bilder.
Lola from Victoria, Australia about 10years ago said:
I luv those tree's the're beautiful!!! U need 2 change the pic tho. That's from 2008! It's 2014!
Thomas from St. Louis about 10years ago said:
At first it looked like a helicopter pic of a river flowing into a bay in a fall forest. Didn't realize it was one tree until I read the title.
Merfin from Seattle about 10years ago said:
Hello, LOVE the picture and I Want to own one of them. Do you sell this picture or maybe blow it up? Let me know, 206-718-4875
Tiffany from Bahama, NC about 10years ago said:
This Tree is beautiful and I plan on planting it in my back yard near my creek. Through some research it's a Golden Full Moon Japanese Maple. The tree gets 20' tall and 20' wide. This tree also likes part shade and moist well drained soil. This particular pic is very inspirational
Veronica from Los Angeles about 10years ago said:
This photo took my breath away. It gives glory to our Creator.
Someone from Somewhere about 11years ago said:
Beautiful Picture I love it!!!
anila from pakistan about 11years ago said:
its soul touching > i alwas want 2 live under in it
Anony from Mouse about 12years ago said:
To anyone wondering if they can purchase this print for wall hanging (and that includes myself!)... The photographer has a website with pricing info. Just search 'Garrick Liddell Photography' and it should be the top link :)
Someone from Somewhere about 12years ago said:
This photo is making the rounds of Facebook because it is so beautiful. I did a screen shot and google image search and found that this was your photo. Its very good. I posted your website to those who showed your photo. I'd really like to make an enlargement for my office wall, but won't do so without your permission. Richard Brown, Mississippi Entomological Museum
Tim from Oregon about 12years ago said:
Great Shot! Is it in or around Portland? I work @ Club Northwest in Grants Pass. I have it set as my Desktop wallpaper and get many great comments from our Members and there guests. Fantastic fall feel to it.
Janet from Dundee, OR about 12years ago said:
Garry: I was just looking to update my Facebook background photo with something for fall. I thought I would have to settle for a New England maple photo so I was pleasantly surprised to find this photo from Oregon. Was it taken at the Japanese Garden?
Garry from Oregon about 12years ago said:
Thank you all very much for all the views and thoughtful comments, My website is www.garrickliddellphotography.com and my contact information is on my site for print orders etc.
Jennifer from Toronto about 12years ago said:
I love this pic and would love to buy it - can you tell me how I can?
Soulair from Somewhere about 12years ago said:
Where is this? It would be an amazing wedding spot!
Shanzida from Bangladesh about 12years ago said:
Speechless... what a beauty
Nitasha from Pakistan about 12years ago said:
this is amazing
Linda from Indianapolis, Indiana, USA about 13years ago said:
So inspiring. I just bought a tiny sapling yesterday and can't wait to see it mature. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful image. It feels like I am within your photo. Lovely view of life.
Kathi from WV about 13years ago said:
TRACY from DUNBAR PA. about 13years ago said:
I love this photo soooo much, is there anyway I can buy this for my living room wall? I want it so bad, its breathtaking. PLEASE
Laura from BRasil about 13years ago said:
Racqui from Jamaica about 14years ago said:
This is truly lovely. May I use this picture as a watermark?
Tom from NC about 14years ago said:
It's not only beautiful but I can sense something like a supernatural in it. Thanks for this wonderful pic.
Jeri from Minnesota about 14years ago said:
I can feel what it must have been like standing under that tree. Awe inspiring. Thank you and congratulations
David from Mixco about 14years ago said:
this is my favorite tree, and it happens to be on my birthday for your picture of the day! how strange :)
Someone from Somewhere about 15years ago said:
Great colors!
Leda from Greece about 15years ago said:
syed Nazar Shamsie from Delhi India about 15years ago said:
What you Captured a magical charm, its wonderful. I congratulate you.
Lymons from Dalian, China about 15years ago said:
amazing colour! exposure is perfect .
Manuela Somlea from Cluj,Romania about 16years ago said:
True sense of colour!Excellent!
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