Nature Pic of the Day - 20090218 - Together
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February 18, 2009: Together
Wild mushrooms!  
Organic farming, organic agriculture and organic produce.
Credit & Copyright: Loppen from Pinneberg, Germany
Together: This cluster of mushrooms huddles together on a cold winter day. Some species of mushrooms are farmed or picked in the wild for use in delicious meals. Other species can cause pyschedelic experiences and a small number of species can even cause death. But, to end on a less glum note, mushrooms have many benefits too.

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2009-02-23 20:12:40
Someone from Somewhere about 16years ago said:
natures finesse
Reuben from UK about 16years ago said:
First class composition.
Columbine from Boston about 16years ago said:
Exquisite photo! Great composition.
Lilia from Ukraine about 16years ago said:
there is real big mushrooms family!) they enjoy be togather)
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