Nature Pic of the Day - 20110213 - Hummingbird
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February 13, 2011: Hummingbird
Hummingbird in Brazil.  Brazilian Hummingbird.
Credit & Copyright: Jose Carlos Guireli from Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brasil
Hummingbird: This hummingbird is hiding in the wild jungles of Brazil. I guess that saying that hummingbirds can't stand still and they have to stay flying is just a myth.

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2011-02-14 09:30:02
Roberto Loiola from Sao Paulo about 13years ago said:
A simplicidade e a beleza suspensos num galho. Um olhar santificado...Parabens Jose
Alexandre Bergamaschi from Campinas SP about 13years ago said:
O momento belo do dia no olhar do beija-flor e a sensibilidade da tarde.
Lyvia Guireli from Campinas SP about 13years ago said:
Oi pai, linda fotografia.
Edsilon de Jesus from Campinas SP about 13years ago said:
Ola, fotografia bonita que embeleza os olhos.
Andre Willians Guireli from Fernandopolis SP about 13years ago said:
Oi pai, bela fotografia.
Michelle Guireli from Campinas SP about 13years ago said:
Dad, a beauty picture always.
Francis Guireli from Campinas SP about 13years ago said:
Always a beauty photo whaen nature is present, and a hummingbird is a flower of the air.
Elen T Guireli from Campinas SP about 13years ago said:
What a bauty photo.
Dulce Guireli from Campinas SP about 13years ago said:
Wonderful nature with the beauty hummingbird, nice picture.
Mariana from Campinas SP about 13years ago said:
Good picture, my grandpapa.
Gustavo from Campinas SP about 13years ago said:
I like very much, grandpapa
Gabriela from Campinas SP about 13years ago said:
What a beuatiful pic grandpapa.
Irineu from Campinas-SP-Brazil about 13years ago said:
Nice pic, Guireli. Congratulations!
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