Nature Pic of the Day - 20111010 - Home is Where the Post is
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October 10, 2011: Home is Where the Post is
Bluebird on the Stillwater River, Whitefish Montana
Credit & Copyright: Leo Keane from Whitefish, Montana
Home is Where the Post is: "This female bluebird is on her nest post, which is in a cavity on the other side of the post. Bluebirds frequently nest in old fence posts, cavities in apple trees, or these days most commonly in bluebird houses built and placed by people who love this beautiful bird. As Henry David Thoreau said, "The bluebird carries the sky on his back." Photo taken at the Stillwater River in Whitefish, MT."

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2013-08-05 01:03:18
Birdlegs from Fresno, CA about 12years ago said:
What a sweet little mama bird just sitting there all alone. I've always loved birds & this picture really captured my heart, Leo! Such a precious little darling; would love to hold & pet her. God bless you, & thank you for the joy I felt in seeing this neat picture!
Liane from Montana about 13years ago said:
Nice pic, Leo. It looks like she is posing for you.
Laura from BRasil about 13years ago said:
So delicate...Wonderful photo.
walter langat from Egerton university, kenya about 13years ago said:
wow! I like that photo so...much
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