Nature Pic of the Day - 20120120 - Harvest
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January 20, 2012: Harvest
Credit & Copyright: LAURA BRUNO from BRASIL
Harvest: Beautifully illuminated fronds of something spread wide, waving at passersby.

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2012-01-21 00:16:17
Mira from Canada about 13years ago said:
Beautiful Laura. Such detail, light and colour. A joy to see.
Inge from Canada about 13years ago said:
Wonderful subject choice. It evokes the same magic as your Nov. 19th picture and reveals intimate details of nature and her secrets.
Jean allen from Flat Rock, North Carolina, USA about 13years ago said:
This is lovely, Laura. Closeups like this reveal beauty that is right under our noses if we just take the time to notice it.
Liane from Montana about 13years ago said:
Nice picture, I especially like the lighting on the front leaves.
Ali from Tehran about 13years ago said:
Gone with the wind?..I like the light orange tint of this shot. Thanks Laura!
Betty from Cabada about 13years ago said:
Sorry Laura, I meant SHOT, not shop! I like the little threads, makes it look so delicate! I'd like to see the whole plant.
Christine from Australia about 13years ago said:
A beautiful photo, Laura. The lighting is lovely. I am waving back with both hands.
Betty from Canada about 13years ago said:
What a neat shop Laura! Now if anyone knows what that plant is??? Palm??
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