Nature Pic of the Day - 20120508 - Happiness
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May 8, 2012: Happiness
Purple flowers
Credit & Copyright: LAURA BRUNO from BRASIL
Happiness: Beautiful! Who knows what kind of flowers these are?

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2012-05-09 20:55:45
Laura from Brasil about 13years ago said:
Hi Christine, Inge, Mira! Thank you for the comments. Yes , they are cooktown orchids , Christine, and they live in my garden, Mira. Hugs for you!
Mira from Canada about 13years ago said:
Oh wow!!! You are an excellent photographer Laura. Do they grow in Brasil?
Inge from Canada about 13years ago said:
The colours are so joyous they are ready to dance off the page. You have a good eye, Laura.
Christine from Australia about 13years ago said:
They are Cooktown orchids dear Laura. They look like a couple, glowing with the love for each other. :)
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