Nature Pic of the Day - 20121105 - Sybil and Her Blond Hair
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November 5, 2012: Sybil and Her Blond Hair
Antelope Canyon
Credit & Copyright: Enrico Pighetti from Civitanova Marche
Sybil and Her Blond Hair: "In Arizona, traces of Sybil (Sibilla)."

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2012-11-07 04:45:51
Ali from Tehran about 12years ago said:
Beautiful and thanks a lot for the description.
Enrico from Italy about 12years ago said:
Hi Ali. You are watching a cave in Antelope canyon, near Page/Arizona. The sand is on the surface, it is moved by the wind and falls inside the cave, making the effect you see in the picture. I compared it to Maga Sibylla character, a legend from my county. Thanks and greetings to Jean Allen, Greg, Laura, Christine, Betty too.
Betty from Canada about 12years ago said:
Wow! what a fascinating shot!
Christine from Australia about 12years ago said:
Beautiful. - Sybil in Arizona! I like that.
Laura from Brasil about 12years ago said:
La bellezza di questa foto stupenda, e implicito agli occhi di coloro che ha fotografato ... Pura poesia per gli occhi e il cuore. Meraviglioso, Enrico Pighetti. *_*
Greg from Australia about 12years ago said:
A sandfall! Great lighting, great photo!
Jean Allen from Flat Rock, NC, USA about 12years ago said:
Ali from Tehran about 12years ago said:
You know...mesmerizing!.... I've been to caves, but this one!!....Enrico, would you talk about the shot for us please? Are those blond hair always flowing like that? Is it the whole cave flowing like that? or is it just a small part of it?
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