Nature Pic of the Day - 20130326 - Winter's Beauty
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March 26, 2013: Winter's Beauty
Gorgeous Colorado winter scene.
Credit & Copyright: Phyl Collier from Pagosa Springs, CO
Winter's Beauty: "Winter in Colorado is a gift from Mother Nature."

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2013-08-02 02:11:43
Birdlegs from Fresno, CA about 11years ago said:
Love this picture, Phyl! God bless you for capturing it so beautifully for us all to see everywhere.
Penny from Pagosa Springs, CO about 11years ago said:
The more I look at this photo the more I realize how blessed we are to live in such a beautiful place. Thank you for the wonderful photo
Laura from Brasil about 11years ago said:
Wonderful Nature....So beautiful, really....Great photo, Phyl. :)
Christine from Reno about 11years ago said:
It is beautiful! wonderful picture of a gorgeous place
Carole Lovinger from Las Vegas about 11years ago said:
This looks so fresh, clean and beautiful. Truly a winter wonderland.
Enrico from Italy about 11years ago said:
Scenario incantevole, molto ben ripreso
Renee from Lee Canyon, NV about 11years ago said:
It is so inviting. I want to be there, now.
Diana Leigh from Kent, WA USA about 11years ago said:
Maybe the song should be, "The bluest skies you've ever seen are in Colorado..."
Inge from Canada about 11years ago said:
I love trees. Spring, summer, fall, winter, they are always attractive and this photo is an especially fine example.
Ali from Tehran about 11years ago said:
Nice light, better snow, and a greater scenery :)
Penny from Pagosa Springs, CO about 11years ago said:
Love it! Love winter in Colorado - clear blue sky, pristine snow and mountains. Perfect photograph of a perfect place.
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