Nature Pic of the Day - 20130815 - Missoni time
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August 15, 2013: Missoni time
Pian Grande, Castelluccio di Norcia, Italy
Credit & Copyright: Enrico Pighetti from Civitanova Marche
Missoni time: "Another point of view..."

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2013-08-17 18:12:54
Enrico from Italy about 12years ago said:
Grazie Laura. Ma i veri artisti sono gli abitanti di questo luogo :-) Un abbraccio forte
Laura from Brasil about 12years ago said:
Modern art from Nature, by Enrico Pighetti...Always a beautiful surprise. Spectacular ! : )
Enrico from Italy about 12years ago said:
Si, Carolyn, si tratta di un grande campo di fiori. Precisamente il Pian Grande di Castelluccio di Norcia, in Regione Umbria, Italy. Ti ringrazio per la visita e per il gentile commento
Carolyn from Texas about 12years ago said:
Great colors. So interesting and arty. Is it fields of flowers?
Enrico from Italy about 12years ago said:
Grazie a te, Ali, per la tue sempre gradite visite
Ali from Tehran about 12years ago said:
Thank you Enrico :)
Enrico from Italy about 12years ago said:
Ali, Pam, Jim, Inge, Christine, vi ringrazio molto :-) Ali, si tratta di un'altra ripresa della Fioritura sul Pian Grande di Castelluccio, con una visione... obliqua :-) Sarei molto felice, Jim, se un giorno Missoni facesse un vestito con questo disegno :-) E lo indosserei anche io, Christine, un vestito con questi colori. Speriamo che Missoni venga qualche volta a Castelluccio :-) Un abbraccio a tutti voi
Christine from Australia about 12years ago said:
I didn't have a clue what Missoni is :), but when I saw the picture I thought: I would very much like a dress like that. A master piece by Enrico and by Nature.
Inge from Canada about 12years ago said:
A feast for the eyes.
Jim from Nebraska about 12years ago said:
Wow! Beautifully done, Enrico. Missoni will want to duplicate this, I'm sure. This shot greatly appeals to me. Bravo!!
pam from usa about 12years ago said:
Incredible! This is a work of art.
Ali from Tehran about 12years ago said:
Beautiful! That's a master shot! a bird's eye actually. Excellent! I wonder from where did you take it?
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