Nature Pic of the Day - 20140111 - Smart Chap, All In Black
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January 11, 2014: Smart Chap, All In Black
Australian bug in the garden
Credit & Copyright: Christine Becker from British Columbia, Canada
Smart Chap, All In Black: "Where’s the party? Any champagne?
On second thought, I’ll settle for tree sap, or a bit of nice fruit."

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2014-01-13 13:15:20
Laura from BRasil about 11years ago said:
Christine, this is a spectacular photo...I loved the colors and I saw what Ali saw too ! Wonderful! Hugs from BRasil, dear friend ! ; )
Betty from Canada about 11years ago said:
That is such a sharp focused picture, just wonderful! I can see why they call it what they do, with that shaped mouth! Another of Nature's wonders! Great photo, hugs :)
Christine from Oz about 11years ago said:
Thank you Jim. Perhaps I see it with my eyes and heart rather than through a camera lens. :):):)
Jim from Nebraska about 11years ago said:
Christine, your photos and commentary indicate that you know a lot more about photography than you may realize :-)
Christine from Oz about 11years ago said:
Thank you all for liking the beetle.:) Jim, I know absolutely nothing about photography. I focus and click is all :) It's a rhinoceros beetle, about an inch and a half long. They live on sap and rotting fruit. And no, they don't bite..:)
Inge from Canada about 11years ago said:
And what did you use to get that great shine? The ladies will love it.
Jim from Nebraska about 11years ago said:
Great macro, Christine! How big is the beetle? Which camera and lens did you use?
Cynthia from U.S.A. about 11years ago said:
Nice portrait of this handsome chap!
Ali from Tehran about 11years ago said:
What a great picture, Christine! I love all the sun-blue sky reflections on the body. Thank you very much! : )
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