Nature Pic of the Day - 20140317 - Snow on the Cyclamen
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March 17, 2014: Snow on the Cyclamen
Snow on the Cyclamen from Yesterday
Credit & Copyright: Betty Reese from Cowichan Bay, BC, Canada
Snow on the Cyclamen: "The snow looks like icing on a cake, with pink flowers for decoration! How these dainty little flowers survive the cold snow is amazing! Mar. 2/14"

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2014-03-17 16:58:50
Laura from Brasil about 11years ago said:
Amazing Betty.....they can survive with the snow! I love cyclamen! Great photo, dear friend! ; )
Jean Allen from Flat Rock, NC about 11years ago said:
This reminds me of the shock I had when I saw pansies in the snow when we moved from NY to NC. Around here, pansies are almost year-round flowers.
Betty from BC about 11years ago said:
Hugs & thanks for your lovely comments.
Someone from Somewhere about 11years ago said:
I like the cake idea a lot. Looks extremely appetising and most appealing to the eyes.
Christine from Australia about 11years ago said:
I would sure love a piece of that lovely cake. Cool, sweet, melting in my mouth. Thank you Betty. :) with hugs.
Jim from Nebraska about 11years ago said:
Yes, a cake it is! The white is a more stunning palate for the pink flowers. Nice capture, Betty.
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