Nature Pic of the Day - 20140830 - Amphibious Puzzle
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August 30, 2014: Amphibious Puzzle
Frogs In Washington
Credit & Copyright: Shaina Logan from Washington
Amphibious Puzzle: "How many frogs can you see?"

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2014-08-31 20:55:07
Ken from Ohio about 10years ago said:
I see 7 Shaina. Where is the 8th?
Shaina from Washington about 10years ago said:
I can count 8 but I'm sure there are more. They were all over the place!
Karl from N.Y. USA about 10years ago said:
On nightshift again. Sigh! I find four little ones. But are they frogs or trick of the light?
Calliope from B.C. Canada about 10years ago said:
I can find two! The lichen/mud is too thick to get a good enough view. - But over 1000 people have looked at it, and no guesses? Where is the fun in this world?
Christine from Australia about 10years ago said:
How many frogs? The aquatic question of the month. I can see generations of frogs. Mother and father frogs, baby frogs, tadpoles, grandparents frogs and choruses of frogs. So how many are there??? Millions. :)
Enrico from Italy about 10years ago said:
Sigh, io sono riuscito a vederne solo tre. Ma si sa, non sono un grande osservatore :-)
Someone from Somewhere about 10years ago said:
At least 7 or 8. But do tell after all the guesses are in, please. They are pretty small.
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