Nature Pic of the Day - 20141006 - Kousa Dogwood Seed Balls
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October 6, 2014: Kousa Dogwood Seed Balls
Kousa Dogwood in North Carolina
Credit & Copyright: Jean W. Allen from Flat Rock, NC
Kousa Dogwood Seed Balls: "These knobby, red-orange seed balls are the fruits of the Kousa dogwood, an Asian cousin of the American dogwood. The flowers were featured on NPOD on May 29, 2010."

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2014-10-06 10:56:51
Jim from Nebraska about 10years ago said:
Very pretty, Jean. I like the contrasting light and shade which accentuates the sunny disposition of this photo. Thanks for sharing the link to the flowering stage of this tree.
Enrico from Italy about 10years ago said:
Da deliziosi fiori bianchi a questa esplosione di colori. Complimenti, Jean Allen: mi piace la cronaca di questa storia a lieto fine, di come la natura si trasforma, ammaliandoci. Ballissima
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