Nature Pic of the Day - 20170308 - I See You
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March 8, 2017: I See You
Beautiful Bird in Costa Rica
Credit & Copyright: Jim Wickless from Lincoln, NE
I See You: "A Chestnut Mandibled Toucan peers through the branches of a tree."

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2017-03-09 00:16:00
Buttercup from Somewhere about 8years ago said:
You'll heal sooner than you might think Jim. With a bit of patience...wink-wink. And what a splendid idea to get together. Just in time for me perhaps, because I'm coming back to BC. Joy all around. And those happy vibes will heal the shoulder, you'll see. :) hugs to all.
Nate from NPOD about 8years ago said:
That would be quite a feat, but it sure would be fun! Maybe a nice national park somewhere! Hope your recovery goes well Jim!
Laura from Brasil about 8years ago said:
I Can see you too , Beautiful! Dear Jim, I hope that You are getting better! Hugs !
Jim from Nebraska about 8years ago said:
LOL! I'd love that ,Rob. Actually, I've thought for a long time that it would be fun to get the NPOD crowd together with Nate sometime, somewhere. BTW, I have no dietary restrictions :-)
rob barrett from minneapolis about 8years ago said:
Nice Jim. Sorry to hear about the surgery. Can I drop off a meal?
Jim from Nebraska about 8years ago said:
Thanks, EF and Buttercup! There are quite a few more Costa Rican birds in the queue in anticipation of not being able to hold a camera for a while as I'm recovering from shoulder replacement surgery.'Hope to be back shooting in time for May flowers :-)
Buttercup from Somewhere about 8years ago said:
I see you too. With amazement. What a big beak you toucan people have!
EF Grant from IN about 8years ago said:
..."and I'm looking for a Guinness!" Nice shot, as always-- always looking forward to your work.
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